Hello, my name is Tian Guo I am a computer science professor at WPI. This site tracks interesting developments and research on augmented reality (AR), as well as my personal reading notes.
Why This Site?
A large part of my job is research, which roughly divides into keeping up with SToA, advising students, hands-on projects, and writing grant proposals.
To officially kick start my NSF CAREER project Toward a Specialized Edge for Augmented Reality, I will spend some parts of my sabbatical year to organize impactful works in the field of AR.
Relevant Conferences
Here are the list of conferences, not in any particular order, which I find each paper.
- MobiSys
- MobiCom
- SenSys
Last update: May 19, 2023
Created: May 19, 2023
Created: May 19, 2023